Promote Your Job Ads to the Right Audience

Workbana offers targeted advertising services that help your job ads stand out and reach the right candidates. The better results you want from your recruitment process, the more it pays off to invest in quality advertising.

An advertising campaign can save you significant costs by helping you avoid a bad hire. Studies show that the cost of a bad hire can exceed 50% of the employee’s annual salary.

Choose the advertising package that suits your needs or boost your job ad’s visibility with the Boost+ service.

Our Advertising Packages Include:

  • Targeted advertising on social media channels
  • Analytics reports to measure campaign effectiveness
  • Continuous optimization to achieve the best possible results

Choose the Package That Fits Your Needs:

  • Marketing BASIC: A basic package for small campaigns
  • Marketing REACH: Extended reach and advanced analytics tools
  • Marketing PRO: Maximum visibility with multichannel campaigns, including a promotional video
  • Boost+: Increase the visibility of your job ad on the platform

Advertising Packages Comparison

PackageFeaturesDurationBoost+WB Social MediaVideoPrice
Boost+Highlight your job ad for top visibility on the platformEntire ad durationMultiple channels359€
Marketing BasicTargeted social media advertisingApprox. 1 weekMultiple channels989€
Marketing ReachExtended reach and advanced analyticsApprox. 1–2 weeksMultiple channels2489€
Marketing ProMaximum visibility with multichannel campaigns, including a promotional videoApprox. 1–3 weeksMultiple channels5989€

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